Nature- Our long lost friend


Have you ever realized how much time you spend on electronic devices? The average American spends between 5 to 7 hours per day with the majority of that time being spent on social media, scrolling endlessly through an abundance of content. Sometimes we even get to the point where our eyes are hurting just from looking at the screens. We spend our lives looking at our screens but we are forgetting that there is an entire life waiting to be explored in nature. 

Spending time in nature can bring our mind clarity. Our brains are bombarded with smart advertising and insurmountable amounts of information every second, it can become exhausting for our brains to process all of it. Stepping away from screens can help our minds think more clearly. When we go for a simple walk, our mind can shift to the present moment as we observe and admire the beauty of nature that surrounds us.  

 Nature is a free and easy way to calm the mind and body. When you are feeling stressed or sad, spending time in nature can regulate your heart rate as well as your breathing. It is important to get a daily dose of Vitamin D- sunlight. Living in Wisconsin, we get limited amounts of sunlight on a yearly basis since our winters are long and filled with gray skies. We must take full advantage of the summertime while it's here and spend time outside away from our smartphones, laptops and TV’s. 

 Lastly, nature brings us even closer with our family and friends. When was the last time you played baseball with your kids or went on a bike ride with your friends? The more time we spend on our devices, the less time we spend in our actual relationships. The more time we spend in nature with our family and friends, the stronger our connections will be. We can develop more profound relationships by having face-to-face interactions. When we do this, we can read body language, notice voice tones, read facial expressions- all of these result in improved and effective communication. 

 Take some time this weekend to disconnect from your devices and reconnect with nature, family and friends. Allow yourself to enjoy the present moment, immerse in the beauty of nature and restore your energy while you explore the world.