Lending demand for house purchasing falls in third quarter: BoE | Mortgage Strategy


Demand for secured lending for house purchases fell in the third quarter of this year, a new report from the Bank of England shows.

The central bank’s latest credit conditions survey shows lender respondents moving from a net balance of 81.1 to a negative net balance of 35.3 when asked how overall demand has changed since Q2.

This is not likely to be the start of a trend, however, because expectations for this metric over the next three months barely changes, at negative 35.

On the question of buy-to-let lending, demand over the quarter is reported as going from a net balance of 49 to a negative net balance of 9.1, with this reversing to a reading of 8 over the next three months.

And for remortgaging, lenders say that demand increased, with respondents offering a net balance of 22.5 in Q2, rising to a net balance of 34.5 in Q3. This moves to a net balance of 75.2 over the next three months.

Credit availability for secured lending to households moved up, too, although not to the extend it had previously.

Here, the net balance moved from 39.1 to 15.3 over the quarter, nudging up to 18.3 over the next quarter.

And expectations for house price increases shifted over the quarter, too. The net balance for changed from 37.9 in Q2 to 16.7 in Q3, with this dropping to 10.8 over the next three months.

Additionally, a net balance of 7.1 lenders report maximum loan-to-income ratios have increased this quarter, with this rocketing to a net balance of 24.2 expecting this to occur in the near future.

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