The work behind the scenes


Most of our home and condo selling clients start working with us several months, and sometimes several years, before the for sale sign is posted in the ground. Usually, that means we're helping our clients identify the simple cosmetic projects that add real value to their home. Projects like choosing paint colors and painting projects, installing new light fixtures and new cabinet hardware, and installing new flooring. 

But sometimes, due to challenging circumstances, our clients need an extraordinary amount of support, and we assume the role of general contractor. In these cases we're contacting contractors and obtaining estimates. We're managing timelines and overseeing the work. And we're keeping our clients up-to-date as the work unfolds. 

Such was the case for our clients, Luke and Pat, who gave us the keys to their home and an $11,000 budget to address a few cosmetic updates. Ann and Dan assumed the role of project managers, and in the process were able to increase the home's value by $50,000. 

Do you know someone who needs to sell their home and who also needs an extraordinary amount of support? Please refer them to our team. We're servants at heart, and we would love to help. 

Your friends at Mad City Dream Homes