Moneyhub makes landlord tool available to fintechs | Mortgage Strategy


Moneyhub has launched a new feature to simplify tax returns for landlords.

The company has built an application programming interface that will be available to other tech companies that offer portfolio management tools for landlords.

The tool will help landlords complete their self-assessment SA105 to declare their income from property.

Landlords will be able to easily categorise transactions relating to property income and expenses ready for when they need to file their return.

Moneyhub chief operating officer Dan Scholey says: “Moneyhub isn’t just about aggregating and enhancing financial data, we help our clients to go to market faster with innovative features they don’t have to develop themselves. 

“With this latest API, innovators have the power to truly revolutionise their clients’ experience when it comes to completing tax returns. 

“Open banking and open finance have the power to simplify financial management across the board and we are constantly innovating to do just that.” 

Other recent features launched on Moneyhub’s API include “projects”, which allows users to track and monitor all transactional activity and assets related to specific projects. 

Moneyhub has also launched “transaction attachment”, enabling users to easily upload, store and access files relating to important transactions, such as photos, receipts and warranties.

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