Our biggest lessons from 2021


As we officially close the books on 2021, we’d like to share with you a few of the key lessons we’ve learned in the last year. Here are 5 of our biggest lessons from 2021 that will shape how we serve you in 2022. 

Our 5 big lessons from 2021

We’re all craving connection. As our society opened up again in 2021, it became crystal clear to us just how much we missed our personal interactions with our friends and clients. The pandemic has been such an eye-opener for us. No matter what happens with the pandemic in the years ahead, we’ll always be focused on serving you and connecting with you on a personal level. 

It’s okay to fail. Failures can be key to our growth when we choose to reflect on our mistakes and use them as teaching moments. We’ve experienced a few failures in the last year for sure, which means we’ve learned some valuable lessons. We’ll be better realtors and smarter business people in 2022 because we’ve been willing to try new things and learn from our failures. Experimenting, failing, and learning are all a part of the growth process, and we’re looking forward to a lot more growth in the year ahead. 

Positivity is a full-time job. With so much negativity in politics, the media, and social media, sometimes it can feel like there’s not enough of the good stuff to go around. But we can all lead more positive lives by surrounding ourselves with the right inputs and the right people. For example, we can join a service organization or a community group made up of people who constantly model generosity and positivity for us. We can immerse ourselves in the books, audio books, and podcasts that help us develop good habits and maintain a positive mindset. We can also steer clear of the negative media and negative social media that have a way of getting us off-track. 

Standing for something is vital. When it comes right down to it our community and our planet need all of us to step up and do our part. So, one question we keep asking ourselves is, how can we use our personal and our professional lives to make a positive impact? Taking time to reflect on this question inspires new possibilities for our work. While making time to act on it brings greater purpose to each day. 

Competition is overrated. Extreme competition is pervasive in our culture, where a win-at-all-costs mentality has clouded our ability to see the impact of our short-term focus. At Mad City Dream Homes, we’re big believers in collaboration and generosity, and leaning into a long-term, abundance mindset. We want you to know we’re committed to serving you, our employees, our agents, our industry, and our community for many years to come.

Thank you

We so appreciate appreciate the opportunity to serve you, your friends and your family in the year ahead. Thank you for your supporting our business and as a result, our mission, too.

Your friends at Mad City Dream Homes