The Nottingham returns to the mortgage market | Mortgage Strategy


Having temporarily withdrawn from the mortgage market in late September due to unprecedented application levels of business this summer, The Nottingham has returned with a new product range.  

The building society is offering a range of fixed rate and discount residential, buy-to-let, limited company buy-to-let and self-build products.

To start with mortgage distribution will be limited to 12 networks and large firms in order for the society to maintain the expected levels of service going forward.  

The Nottingham head of intermediary sales Nikki Warren-Dean explains: “We are happy to have mortgages available again following the temporary break, which acted as a positive opportunity to work through the unprecedented level of applications. 

“We can assure all brokers that this is structured in a way that eases us back into the marketplace in a measured way to ensure we can maintain our high levels of service. We hope to be able to open up distribution to our entire broker network in the very near future.”

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