Anorak and Plum partner to offer life insurance | Mortgage Introducer


Plum’s money management app will be bolstered by Anorak’s platform to help users discover the kind of life insurance, income protection or critical illness cover they need to plan for a financially secure future.

In addition to being able to access Anorak’s range of products on-demand via the app, Plum will also notify customers when it detects that they are already making life insurance payments, giving them the option to check if they could find a better deal via Anorak.

David Vanek, chief executive and co-founder of Anorak, said: “We’re thrilled to be working with Plum to help bring critical financial services to an increasingly widening range of people.

“This partnership comes as we’ve seen a jump in the numbers of millennials coming to us who are curious about life insurance, income protection and critical illness cover, as younger earners wise up to the benefits of having protection policies in place.

“We’re excited to be growing and developing alongside such a unique and valuable service, as people look for easier, more transparent ways to save money and map out their financial futures.”

Charlie Bailey, head of partnerships at Plum, added: “Anorak has a great mission around making life insurance and cover simple, convenient and user-friendly. This makes Anorak a natural partner for us as we expand our bills offering to give customers better options for protecting their finances in-app.

“Our next step will be to add helpful prompts for customers so that they are well-informed about their financial choices throughout their lives.

“Many people take out life insurance when they buy a home or start a family, for example. Plum and Anorak will be there for them during these milestones, offering easy access to the financial products they need in a smart, accessible way.”