When is the perfect time to buy a home in Madison?


In a low inventory market like ours -- where finding and buying your dream home takes time, skill and effort -- it's whenever the perfect opportunity presents itself. It could be in the heart of the spring selling season, during the cooler fall season, or in the dead of winter. You just never know when. 

Our clients Roger and Jennifer just learned this lesson, when their perfect home became available right before the Thanksgiving Holiday. Yes, their home search took a little longer than they were hoping for, but they're so glad that they stayed patient and persistent with their search and had Chris Venden guiding them through the process.

As Jennifer told us the other day, "Our new home is absolutely perfect for us. We're so glad that we didn't settle, this home is so worth the wait."

So, if you're planning to buy your dream home in 2023, here are 3 simple recommendations that we have for you:

  • Connect with a trusted lender
  • Hire a professional buyer agent (or buyer agent team). 
  • And don't confine your search to the springtime. Instead, act as if your search is a 12-months-out-of-the-year endeavor -- just like Roger and Jennifer.

You just never know when your dream home will hit the market, and you want to be ready to seize upon your opportunity whenever it presents itself. 

For more timely home and condo buying tips:

We invite you to check out our Madison home buyers blog for plenty of updates in the weeks and months ahead. Or connect with our realtor team for a helpful conversation. We would love to be a resource for you and help you make your dream home happen.