Quarter of over-50s coping with rising prices: LiveMore | Mortgage Strategy


Inflation may be driving up the prices of food and fuel, but a quarter of Britain’s 50 to 90-year-olds say they are not yet being affected by the cost-of-living crisis, new data from LiveMore reveals.

However, data revealed that nearly a third were impacted “a lot” by rising prices.

In a survey, which looked a the financial health of Britain’s 50 to 90-year-olds, respondents were asked to say how impacted they were by the cost of living crisis.

Some 24% said they had noticed the increased costs but were unaffected “at the moment”.

Meanwhile, 3% said they were completely unaffected and 41% stated that they were affected but only “a little”.

The hardest hit by rising prices were at both ends of the age spectrum, with up to a third of 50 to 59-year-olds and 80-89 year-olds being impacted.

Those aged 70 to 79 were the most comfortable financially, with 35% unaffected by the rising cost of living.

Most of these were in the South East – where more than a third of 50 to 90-year-olds were able to cope with rising prices – and East England, where that figure was 31%.

Meanwhile, Northern Ireland and the North West saw the highest percentage of 50 to 90-year-olds “hit hard” by the UK’s economic crisis.

LiveMore’s chief executive officer Leon Diamond says: “We rightly hear a lot about older people who are struggling to make ends meet in this difficult economy. But our survey shows that this is only part of the picture. There are many 50 to 90-year-olds who are not yet feeling the pinch thanks to income from good pensions or investments.”

“In fact, these are the people whose spending continues to drive the economy and will help it recover once the recession properly bites,” Diamond adds.

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