Skipton issues 95% mortgages for first-time buyers | Mortgage Strategy


Skipton Building Society for Intermediaries has announced the launch of a new 95 per cent LTV mortgage range for first-time buyers only.

In the lender’s standard residential range, the high-LTV mortgage is available on a five-year fix at 4.17 per cent. It charges zero fee.

For first-time buyers looking for a property under the shared ownership scheme, the five-year fix is available at 4.52 per cent. This also charges no fee.

Both of the above have a maximum loan amount of £450,000.

And Skipton has also issued a 95 per cent LTV two-year fix in its rate switch line up for existing customers only – this is set at 4.14 per cent and, along with zero fee, features a maximum loan amount of £3m.

It is available on a repayment and interest-only basis.

The lender warns that it expects its teams to be busy.

There has been a general move into the 95 per cent LTV market, with both the Bank of Ireland and Accord announcing new deals last week.

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