Landlord sentiment takes gloomy turn: NRLA | Mortgage Strategy


Nearly two-thirds of landlords quizzed by the National Residential Landlords association expect Covid-19 to have a negative effect on their business.

Of the just over 2,000 members of the association asked, 48 per cent said they would face a ‘slightly’ negative impact and 18 per cent replied that it would be ‘significant’.

Overall, the NRLA reports, 56 per cent of its members say they are either less or much less confident of achieving their goals this year compared to how they saw things unfolding three months ago.

Additionally, 30 per cent of respondents say they intend to sell one or more properties over the next year compared to 16 per cent who plan to buy one or more.

The NRLA has not been shy in asking for government action in the form of extending interest-free, government-guaranteed hardship loans for tenants in England to cover arrears, as has been seen in Wales and Scotland, and its latest survey shows that 78 per cent of its members are in agreement with this.

It says that the total private rented sector arrears could be as much as £437m.

NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle says: “Whilst the vast majority of landlords have been working constructively with their tenants where they have struggled due to the pandemic, it is not sustainable to expect them or tenants to continue having rent arrears building indefinitely. This is highlighted in the lower levels of confidence among landlords and the impact it is having on their businesses.

“Providing the financial support needed to help tenants pay off rent arrears built since lockdown started would cost the government less than the Eat Out to Help Out scheme. As we head into more local lockdowns, it is even more important that tenants don’t have to worry about meeting their rent bill.”

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