NatWest ups rates and issues new tracker product | Mortgage Strategy


NatWest has increased rates for new and existing business and launched a range of two-year tracker mortgages.

The rate hikes range between 25 basis points to 80 basis points and take place across residential purchase and remortgages, first-time buyer products – including the Help to Buy and the Mortgage Guarantee suite – and the lender’s buy-to-let (BTL) offerings, as well as in the green mortgage selection.

Some of the bigger changes see the 60% LTV two-year fix residential product with zero fee going up by 60 basis points to 4.29% and, in the same range, the 90% LTV two-year fix with zero fee increasing by 55 basis points, to 4.40%.

And in the BTL range, the 60% LTV two-year fix with zero fee for purchase has gone up by 60 basis points to 4.34% and the 60% LTV two-year fix with £995 for remortgage has been raised by 75 basis points, to 4.09%.

The headline rate change, the 80 basis point increase, is in the BTL green mortgage range, where the 65% LTV two-year fix with £995 for remortgage is now 3.99%.

The tracker products, available for purchase and remortgage, come as two-year fixes and start at 2.45%.

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