Level of new housing stock reaching the market: Barrows and Forrester | Mortgage Strategy


The level of new housing stock entering the property market for sale has almost halved when compared to the closing stages of 2022, according to Barrows and Forrester.

Barrows and Forrester analysed the level of new for sale stock being listed online across Britain since the start of the year and how this compared to November of last year.

The research shows that some 42,481 properties have come to market so far in 2023, a reduction of 46% when compared to the closing stages of 2022.

However, in some areas of Britain, the declining level of new property stock is far more pronounced.

In Scotland, it has fallen by 70%, with the city of Edinburgh seeing an 84% decline.

In the North West, the property pipeline has seen a 57% reduction, climbing to 64% in Liverpool specifically.

London has also seen new stock reaching the market drop by 57%, followed by the North East and Yorkshire and the Humber (54%).

The East of England has seen the smallest reduction of 32% when compared to the end of 2022.

At a city level, Bradford (63%) and Glasgow (61%) have seen some of the largest reductions in new for-sale stock, with Newcastle seeing the smallest reduction at 20%.

Barrows and Forrester managing director James Forrester comments: “As interest rates have continued to climb, the increasing cost of borrowing has dampened the enthusiasm of the nation’s homebuyers and they can no longer afford to match the high asking prices seen during the pandemic market boom.”

“However, while the back end of 2022 brought a heightened level of market turbulence, we’re now seeing a far more settled picture and this is expected to continue as the year progresses.”

“As a result, many sellers who may have otherwise entered the fray in the new year are opting to sit tight for the time being and this has caused the level of new stock reaching the market to plummet.”

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