Brokers' biggest client gripes revealed | Mortgage Strategy


One of the biggest broker bugbears is dealing with clients who fail to supply the required documents, according to the broker forum Cherry. 

Its research looked at complaints about clients raised most frequently on its forum. It said brokers were increasingly irritated by clients who ask whether the requested documents were necessary, or claim that their bank statements are personal.

Other common complaints include clients who have been unaffected by Covid taking grants and loans, customers who neglect to mention previous defaults and CCJs, and clients who expect mortgage offers within days of an application. 

Cherry said brokers also disliked customer sending photographs of documents, rather than originals, and those that try to play brokers off against each other. 

Cherry director Donna Hopton says that the forum gave brokers the opportunity to discuss trends and developments in the market. She adds: “Sometimes this includes talking about irritations they have working with difficult clients. By engaging with their peers they can share a problem and learn new ways of dealing with it from other who have had similar experiences.”

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