Over quarter of self-employed considering quitting: Bluestone Mortgages | Mortgage Strategy


Over a quarter of the UK’s self-employed population are considering quitting and returning to regular employments, according to research from Bluestone Mortgages.

Over a third (37%) of self-employed workers have admitted they are worse off since the pandemic, with 28% considering giving up self-employment.

Those aged 18-34 are more likely to be in this frame of mind, with 65% of such respondents admitting these thoughts.

Bluestone Mortgages reached these findings in a survey of 1,003 UK adults who are either self-employed, have a blip in their credit score or no credit score.

Potential departures from the self-employed market are being attributed to changes in sentiment.

Only 36% of self-employed workers feel optimistic about their business opportunities in 2022, with 36% feeling neutral and 20% having a pessimistic outlook.

Despite this negative outlook, sentiment was more optimistic among respondents when it specifically came to their financial situation.

Just under half (47%) are confident about their financial situation with 41% feeling their same about their financial outlook.

Despite the damage of the pandemic, 48% revealed they have a comfortable amount of savings or investments.

Bluestone Mortgages chief executive Steve Seal says such concerns are understandable, but advises self-employed workers not to write off their chances of securing a mortgage.

“Self-employed workers often encounter challenges when it comes to securing a mortgage, because their criteria does not fit what is deemed the ‘norm’, even if they have their finances in order,” says Seal.

“However, it’s important for these would-be borrowers to remember that there are options out there to help them achieve their homeownership goals, even if they have been turned down elsewhere. Our message to people in this position is don’t give up hope, there is help at hand.”

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