Moneyfacts partners with Mortgage Advice Bureau | Mortgage Strategy


Moneyfacts has signed a partnership with Mortgage Advice Bureau whereby customers who carry out a comparison search on the website are directed to the brokerage if they need further support.

Moneyfacts’ previous broker partner was Premier Financial Group.

Customers using the comparison website to search for mortgages will be offered the choice between contacting a lender directly or speaking to one of MAB’s mortgage advisers across the UK.

MAB chief executive Peter Brodnicki says: “We’re excited to partner with Moneyfacts – it is an established brand in the consumer finance space and one which is known and trusted by the public. 

“Ultimately, this partnership is all about improving the service for users and giving customers the choice to receive mortgage advice face-to-face across the UK, over the phone or screen to screen.”

Moneyfacts head of digital Michelle Monck says: “ is pleased to announce Mortgage Advice Bureau as our preferred mortgage broker. 

“Those visiting our site looking to arrange a remortgage, find a new mortgage or a buy-to-let lender, will now have the option to speak with the experienced and highly trained advisers at Mortgage Advice Bureau.”

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