Danske Bank brings out carbon neutral mortgage | Mortgage Strategy


Danske Bank has launched a new carbon neutral mortgage in Northern Ireland, the first of its kind to be certified by the Carbon Trust.

Carbon neutrality is achieved by the lender offsetting the estimated carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) produced in setting up and running a mortgage through investments in projects that reduce emissions.

The lender has worked out that the CO2e footprint across a mortgage lifetime, through activities such as paperwork generation and office energy consumption, to be 96kg, or 241 miles driven in a car – or in more contemporary parlance – the energy required to charge 11,678 smartphones.

Danske Bank will be working with ClimateCare in identifying investment opportunities, such as wind energy in India.

People borrowing for a property with a home Energy Performance Certificate or Predicted Energy Assessment rating between A and C will be able to apply for this mortgage, which also comes with £2,000 cashback.

Danske Bank managing director Aisling Press comments: “Domestic homes generate an estimated 15% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, so improving the energy efficiency of our homes is crucial in the fight against climate change.

“As a leading mortgage lender, we have a responsibility to support customers who choose a greener home.”

And Carbon Trust Advisory associate director John Newton adds: “The Carbon Trust is pleased to certify Danske Bank’s mortgage service to the PAS 2060 Specification, demonstrating the carbon neutrality of the activities associated with the provision of the service.”

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