Darlington promotes two to executive team | Mortgage Strategy


Darlington Building Society has promoted two employees to its executive team as part of a management restructure.

Louise Thorpe has been appointed distribution director and Chris Brown as products and marketing director.

Thorpe joined the firm in 2004 in a part-time customer service role providing maternity cover, while Brown joined in 2019 as head of products and propositions.

As part of the executive team, Thorpe will be responsible for the distribution of products and services to customers.

Brown previously held positions at UK Asset Resolutions and Virgin Money before joining Darlington Building Society. In his new role he will take on the responsibility for marketing.

Meanwhile, as part of the management restructure, Clare Wilson has been promoted from her current position as branch operations manager and will succeed Thorpe as head of direct distribution.

Darlington chief executive Andrew Craddock says: “Louise and Chris have both excelled in their previous roles with the Society, they bring a wealth of experience and skills, and they will be valuable additions to the executive team.

“Their progression – along with Clare’s well-deserved promotion – demonstrates yet again that we are an organisation fully committed to investing in our people, recognising their talent, and building on their strengths.”

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