Landbay launches miscarriage leave policy | Mortgage Strategy


Buy-to-let lender Landbay has launched a miscarriage leave policy for its workforce.

Women will be able to take up to six weeks paid leave for suffering a miscarriage, though if the miscarriage took place within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy they would be eligible for just two weeks.

If the loss occurred between 12 and 20 weeks, staff are entitled to four weeks leave, and six weeks if the loss occurred between 20 and 24 weeks of the pregnancy.

Landbay human resources director Naomi Braisby, says: “Imperial College London estimates there are 250,000 miscarriages in the UK every year and one in six women suffer from long-term stress as a result.

“I want to ensure we are doing the best for our staff, to let them know they are supported and take away the stress of uncertainty or potentially distressing conversations in the workplace.

“Being able to take up to six weeks off, without any questions asked, will, we hope, be one less burden for women at such a traumatic time.”

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