Broker Focus: Easy Mortgages managing director Charles Calvert | Mortgage Strategy


Describe your firm in a few sentences

Easy Mortgages was established with the sole aim of providing superior service to our clients. I set up the business after decades of working for some of the largest brokers in the country.

The company is based in Gosport, Hampshire, but we help clients from all over the UK.

Passing CeMap is like passing your driving test. You can legally drive your car, but you can’t truly drive yet

We spend time learning about our clients’ dreams and aspirations. We love educating first-time buyers, and Easy Mortgages treats each client individually, not as just another lead, or a step closer to a monthly target.

What led you to become a broker?

After some time in the banking industry, I became a mortgage broker in 2007.

I was lucky to be given a role with one of the largest mortgage brokers in the UK, which also put me through my CeMap qualification. I never looked back.

I love helping clients, educating them and ensuring they get the best options possible. One of the greatest satisfactions is helping first-time buyers get onto the housing market — a dream they never thought was possible.

Having stressed or underpaid brokers is never going to attract new professionals into the industry

I’ve worked in Dubai and the UK and can’t see myself doing anything else in the future.

What plans do you have for the future of your firm?

Easy Mortgages is within its first year of trading, after opening its doors only in April 2022. We’ve had a brilliant start and have big plans for the future.

At the moment it’s just me who runs the day-to-day, but I plan to take on other brokers to trade under the Easy Mortgages brand, as well as some admin staff to help with the daily tasks.

Lenders should publish clear criteria, and there should be a simplified, quicker application process

I’ve spent time engaging with local firms, networking groups and even my local MP, to grow our presence and become the go-to mortgage brokers for Hampshire.

What single thing could lenders do to improve brokers’ lives the most?

The main issue most brokers are having at the moment is lenders removing products from the market with little to no notice.

We understand we are living in an ever-changing market and challenging times, but we try to offer the best service to our clients. It doesn’t help our cause when products are removed, which we’d recommend applying for.

It’s so important that all brokers are up to date with changes and criteria, so get the basics first and then you’ll flourish

Some lenders are much better than others, but this has huge consequences, for not only us and our workload but also our client’s journey and general confidence in us and the market.

What advice do you have for a broker just starting out?

I believe passing your CeMap qualification is like passing your driving test. You can legally drive your car, but you can’t truly drive yet. Not confidently, anyway.

Before going self-employed, starting a business or joining a network as an appointed representative, I would work for a mortgage broker firm. You need guidance and mentoring.

This is a great sector to work in and it can be incredibly rewarding

I learned my craft in a large mortgage brokerage on the south coast. It provides training, business development manager meetings, criteria announcements and, most importantly, someone to go to and ask for help!

It’s so important that all brokers are up to date with changes and criteria, so get the basics first and then you’ll flourish.

How can the industry encourage a new intake of brokers?

Working as a mortgage broker is stressful. We have the lives and dreams of clients in our very hands.

If there is anything that can be done to relieve some of this stress, it can be only a good thing. For example, lenders should publish clear criteria, and there should be a simplified, quicker application process.

Also, with inflation rising and the cost of living spiralling, lenders could look at increasing the procuration fee percentage to brokers.

We spend time learning about our clients’ dreams and aspirations. We love educating first-time buyers

This is a great sector to work in and it can be incredibly rewarding, but having stressed or underpaid brokers is never going to attract new professionals into the industry.

If you would like your firm to be featured in Broker Focus, please email Mortgage Strategy reporter Becky Bellamy at: [email protected]

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