Poorest households lack awareness of Green Homes Grant | Mortgage Strategy


Britain’s poorest home owners are least aware of the government’s Green Homes Grant even though they have the most to gain from the scheme which is due to launch this month.

Research by Energyhelpline.com has found that only 45 per cent of the least well-off households are aware of the initiative compared with 65 per cent of those in the wealthiest group.

That is despite the fact that low-income households could get grants of up to £10,000 for energy efficiency measures, while funding for those who are better-off will be limited to vouchers of up to £5,000.

Energyhelpline.com is calling on the government to promote the scheme.

It urging the National Residential Landlords Association to encourage its members to use the programme to benefit tenants.

Energyhelpline.com has also launched a new guide to help homeowners understand the scheme and plan improvements to boost energy efficiency and lower bills. 

The comparison website’s director of energy Tom Lyon says: “There are millions of poorly-insulated and cold homes across the country and the government’s Green Home Grant is a great step to help boost energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower bills. 

“However, months after [the scheme was announced] it’s concerning to see that so many citizens are unaware of the grants available, particularly among lower-income households who are often the most in need of warm and energy efficient homes. 

“To help make the scheme a success, the government must invest in further promoting the scheme, so households make use of the grants available. 

“In addition, we urge the government and National Residential Landlords Association to encourage private and social landlords to access the scheme so that renters, many of whom are among the least-well off in society, can also benefit from warmer homes and lower energy bills.”

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