Lighthouse ArtCenter Gallery - Tequesta


Lighthouse ArtCenter Gallery, located at 373 Tequesta Drive in the quaint seaside Village of Tequesta, rouses the senses with fabric/textile exhibition entitled “Stitched” through May 27, 2021.  The exhibit is an exhibition commemorating the art of textiles.

Various collections from textile artists will be on display including Kirk Ke Wang’s, “Landscape of Human Skins.” Ke Wang’s work incorporates abandoned pieces of clothing, or as he refers, “skins”.  He incorporates clothing left behind by civilization through a succession of large-scaled colorful, mixed media collages. He uses clothing worn by immigrants and others to create a story of profound, thought-provoking compositions. 

The work of several distinguished artists’ weavings, embroideries, quilts, and tapestries are onsite in the gallery. ArtCenter guests can delve into the diversity of textile. The exhibition is available in-person and virtually with all textile art available for purchase. 

The Lighthouse ArtCenter is following CDC health and safety recommendations and is taking many precautions to ensure the safety of visitors, including increased cleaning, social distancing, and requiring a mask.

Admission is FREE to members and $5 for non-members. For more information, please visit