Most first-time buyers want advice: Accord | Mortgage Strategy


The vast majority of would-be property buyers are in the market for advice, says Accord Mortgages.

A recent survey carried out by the lender shows that 92 per cent of the over 2,000 people asked across the country replied in this manner, even though 65 per cent said they ‘knew the house buying process well.’

Most of the men asked – 74 per cent – said they were confident about this process versus 54 per cent of the women asked.

Buying a house remains an aspirational moment for most people – 68 per cent of those asked said that buying their first house would be a milestone in their lives, and 72 per cent replied that it doing so is ‘essential’ to them feeling successful.

Upfront costs, saving for a deposit and the cost of housing in their desired area were selected as the top three barriers to owning a home, at 34 per cent, 32 per cent, and 32 per cent again, respectively.

Accord Mortgages director of intermediary distribution Jeremy Duncombe says: “Whilst we are committed to offering our support to this sector through the limited releases of 90 per cent LTV products, we know the restricted availability of low-deposit mortgages will present a challenge for some buyers.

“Having a broker to explore all the available options and guide you through the process is crucial to secure the longer term financial wellbeing of these customers.”

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