How to earn $150,000+ on our real estate team


It's been another amazing year for the agents on our team, all of whom will earn well over six figures in profit in 2021. Five of the 6 realtors who have been with us all year will make well over $150,000, while 3 of 6 will make well over $200,000. The question is, how do they do it?

How to earn $150,000+ on our team

Earning a great living in real estate really boils down to 3 simple steps which have stood the test of time for every agent on our team:

  • Serve your clients, community and team members generously. 
  • Work hard. 
  • And be a professional. 

When you focus on serving, putting in the work, and being a professional, your income will grow predictably over time. Just like it has for every agent on our team. Here's a little more insight into these 3 habits from our team's perspective. 

Serving your clients, community and team members generously.

One lesson we keep learning year-after-year is that people who serve are people who earn. They earn trust. They earn respect. And they earn gratitude. They also earn a fantastic living. When you are in the mode of always serving, you are cultivating relationships that last a lifetime, and those relationships become the foundation for your referral-based business. There is no better way to do business than to work with clients who want to work with you -- because they know you and trust you and appreciate who you are as a person. 

Working hard. 

By working hard we mean showing up each day and treating real estate as a full-time career. When you work hard, you take responsibility for being your own boss and for setting your own pace. You also understand that working hard isn't about drudgery. It's about applying yourself in the service of others. When you approach your career with this mindset, your work becomes more meaningful by rewarding you with new experiences and growing relationships each day. 

Being a professional. 

When you're a professional, you're always focused on learning and becoming a better real estate agent. You understand that the little things (your habits) are the big things. You place a high value on serving your clients, solving problems, being a strong communicator, and maintaining a positive attitude. When everyone on your team is focused on being a pro -- and when collaboration and cooperation kick in -- your productivity and your income soar. 

Are you ready to take your real estate career to the next level? 

We can help you take your business to the next level, create more balance in your life, and plan for retirement income, too. Please reach out to either Ann Raschein or Dan Miller for a conversation. Let's talk about your goals, and how we can work together to help you achieve them!

For more information on what it's like to work with our team, check out these articles from our blog: