Brightstar Group launches women into finance scheme | Mortgage Strategy


The Brightstar Group has launched a scheme to encourage young women into a career in the financial services industry.

Sirius Property Finance will host its inaugural Women into Finance Day on 12 July in partnership with MT Finance. 

The initiative aims to provide an opportunity for young women to participate in a programme of events at the London-based brokerage.

The scheme builds on the success of the Brightstar Group’s Young Learners Programme. 

In addition, Brightstar Group director of people development Clare Jupp and Sirius Property Finance head of operations Leoni Alexandrou have entered into a partnership with Debden High School in Essex and will be hosting a group of twelve Sixth Form students who are interested in pursuing a career in financial services. 

The programme will provide opportunities for the young women to spend time in a variety of different areas in the business including time with brokers, case managers, the marketing/design and relationship team as well as time with the operations and finance functions of the business. 

They will also be invited to apply for a fictional job role and be interviewed by managers in the business who will provide feedback to the students.

Alexandrou says: “I am so excited to be welcoming these young women into the business to hopefully provide some inspiration for them to join this fantastic industry.” 

“We are so proud of our youth team and what they have achieved and we believe that they service as fantastic role models to other young people looking to join our business and the industry.”

Jupp adds: “Opening the doors to the working office is the obvious way to give young people a real taste of what it means to work in this fantastic industry. These young women will be led in a variety of sessions by women of our business and also from MT Finance.”

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