Foundation hires Blake as chief treasury officer Mortgage Strategy


Foundation Home Loans has appointed Matt Blake as chief treasury officer to lead the capital markets and treasury operations functions.

Blake previously held senior treasury roles at Pepper Money UK and Together.

The appointment was made by new CEO, Pete Ball as part of his strategy to help Foundation achieve its future goals.

Blake will join George Gee, chief commercial officer George Gee, chief operating officer Kelly Pallister, chief risk officer and legal counsel Nicola Townsend, chief technology officer Chris Lomas and chief financial officer Noelle Doherty as Foundation’s executive committee.

Foundation Home Loans chief executive officer Pete Ball says: “This is a time of innovation for Foundation, and I’m confident we have a highly capable, experienced and dedicated team of people, both within the Executive Committee and the entire business, that are going to make a huge difference and contribution to the next stage in our evolution.”

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