Celebrate Earth Day Today


Today, April 22nd marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.  While many people will not be exploring our great outdoors to celebrate, there are some ways you can help celebrate Earth Day and help make the planet a better place. 

Here is a list on ways to celebrate Earth Day.

1. Plant a tree or donate to a local environmental group or nature preserve.

2. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products, non-toxic cleaning products to help you with your spring cleaning. 

3. Replace your light bulbs with energy efficient ones. By replacing your light bulbs with more efficient ones can help reduce your carbon footprint by 450 pounds a year. 

4.  Stay home. Not only is it important to stay home now more than ever to reduce the spread of COVID-19, by staying home and reducing the amount of miles you drive helps with air pollution. 

5.  Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Try to reduce your garbage by 10% and you’ll help save about 1,200 pounds of garbage a year. 

6.  Change your paper bills to online billing or online banking.

7.  Use cloth towels instead of paper towels.

8.  Use reusable bags when grocery shopping or shopping at local stores.

9.  Use your dishwasher only when it is full to help reduce and save water.

10.  Compost kitchen scraps to use in your garden as fertilizer. 

For more ways to help the Earth, click here