Generosity and real estate


At Mad City Dream Homes, we have the opportunity to help a lot of people. But it's about more than helping people buy and sell real estate. It's about helping people as a way of life. Helping people as a daily practice is such a nice space to be in in today's divided world. When we consistently show up in the lives of others with generosity and contribution, we contribute to our own lives, by giving ourselves daily purpose. 

Another benefit of generosity is that it's a good business practice, too. When people know us, and trust us, and appreciate who we are as people, they tend to think of us first when they're in need of a real estate professional. 

So, if living and working with generosity is a daily practice that inspires you, then we would love to hear from you. We're always looking to grow with people who have the courage to stray from the herd and follow their heart. Please reach out anytime to Ann or Dan for a conversation. Thank you!