Fast turnaround times most important lender quality: Poll | Mortgage Strategy


Fast turnaround times has been named as the single most important quality in a lender following a poll conducted by Mortgage Strategy.

The survey on Twitter invited brokers to name the one thing they value most in lenders, with ‘fast turnaround times’ receiving 68.9 per cent of the votes from the 61 participants, the largest portion of the vote by far.

‘Variety of products’ was named as the second most important quality in lenders, receiving 16.4 per cent of the vote, while 11.5 per cent chose ‘other’, naming lender criteria as the most important factor.

“Criteria – you can have all the bells and whistles you like if the client doesn’t qualify,” Edinburgh Mortgages posted on Twitter.

Procuration fees were the least popular option, receiving just 3.3 per cent of the vote.

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