Mortgage Strategy Awards 2020 winners revealed | Mortgage Strategy


After a long wait, the winners of the Mortgage Strategy Awards 2020 were announced yesterday.

While it wasn’t possible to hold the awards in the usual way, this year’s host Sally Phillips provided great entertainment with our virtual ceremony and there were plenty of celebrations to be had in offices and homes across the country, as evident on social media.

Despite the necessary delays in announcing who is taking home the accolades due to Covid-19, this year’s winners are as deserving as ever.  Each individual or firm was subject to the same stringent judging process as in previous years and proved that they made a positive impact on the industry in 2019.

If you missed the big event, you can still watch the full ceremony here.

A huge congratulations to all of our shortlisted individuals and firms and of course, our winners; see all of the results of the night here.

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