Aklimate launches property retrofit calculator | Mortgage Strategy


UK climate tech start-up Aklimate has built an interactive calculator for consumers and intermediaries to help asses the suitability of properties for an energy efficient upgrade. 

Users of the interactive calculator will need to provide their postcode and energy efficiency target. The calculator will then estimate the overall cost of the retrofit work, annual carbon savings, and the yearly saving on energy bills.

It will also show the increase in the property value following the retrofit and a list of UK lenders that offer financing to facilitate the retrofit project. 

The calculator is powered by UK government energy performance certificate data and various public third-party data sources. 

Aklimate founder Mark Fischel says: “Against the backdrop of spiralling energy costs and mortgage interest rates, we are launching our free retrofit calculator to make energy efficiency improvements more accessible for UK homeowners.”

“Retrofitting really is a win-win for everyone involved — reducing household costs, decreasing the risk of default for lenders, and boosting property valuations.”

“With 28m homes in need of retrofitting by 2050 to hit the UK’s climate target, as a nation, we are just getting started.”

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