OSB joins Net Zero Banking Alliance | Mortgage Strategy


OSB Group has set a target to be net zero by 2050, as the specialist lender joins the United Nations Net Zero Banking Alliance.

This year, the firm will announce products and services to support green finance investment. By 2030, the lender is aiming to be net zero emissions through its existing footprint.

By 2050, this net zero status will be extended throughout OSB Group’s wider business activities and include where customers use its products and services.

For instance, this will include the properties the group lends on.

OSB Group chief executive Andy Golding says the lender has already selected projects to support this, such as verified carbon mitigation schemes and a solar energy project in India.

“We believe that even though there is much detail still to be defined in the UK’s pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions, it’s critical for us to make the pledges we have announced today and to take a committed stance,” he says.

“This commitment has energised us to develop detailed plans to achieve this ambitious goal for the Group and its stakeholders and I’m looking forward to the journey ahead of us.”

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