CA pressures Welsh gvt for housing market action - Mortgage Strategy


The Conveyancing Association is asking the Welsh government to open up its housing market in order to match recent moves in England and Northern Ireland.

It says that the current partial reopening in Wales, which among other rules says that house moves can only go ahead when a property has been vacant for at least 72 hours, needs to be reviewed and that guidance published for market participants in England should be analysed.

As well as this, the CA would like to see the Welsh government ape the recent stamp duty changes seen in England and Northern Ireland.

It says that when the changes take place, buyers in England and Northern Ireland would pay zero stamp duty on a £500,000 house versus a bill of £17,450 for a property of the same value in Wales.

The CA adds that so far there has been no evidence that opening up the English housing market has caused any spike in Covid-019 cases.

“If anything,” says Conveyancing Association chair Paul Smee, “because of the excellent guidance that was collated and issued to the entire industry, we have been able to mitigate strongly against any such risk.

“This guidance can be easily shared with all our Welsh colleagues and the likelihood is that by following this, we create a safe environment and are able to move the housing market forward.”

Smee continues: “If [the Welsh government] continues to work at a slower pace, and if it feels unable to match the stamp duty changes made in England and Northern Ireland, we believe it is only fair that the Welsh government explain its reluctance to open up the market and provide a much-needed activity catalyst, given that all evidence elsewhere suggests this would be a safe outcome.”

Meanwhile, Conveyancing Association operations director Lloyd Davies comments: “The Welsh market was already lagging two months behind in terms of being fully opened, and an economic recovery aided by a buoyant housing market still remains tantalisingly out of reach for all Welsh property market stakeholders.

“To not match the stamp duty changes will seem particularly galling for prospective home purchasers in Wales, will prejudice the sale of those homes, and will be perhaps most keenly felt by those living, or wanting to live, in border towns and counties.

“Every week that the Welsh housing market lags behind its closest neighbours is a week further away from genuinely being able to kick-start the economy, and we would urge the Welsh government to act immediately before the damage grows even greater.”

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