Where We Are Now: April 23, 2020


Work From Home — Day 39

Forbes Magazine & Selma Hepp

5:15AM PST

Team –

What a treat to be featured in Forbes in a real estate article with our former Chief Economist, Selma Hepp. The article is effectively a Q&A on the California real estate markets and the impact of our current crisis. It’s a quick read. I hope you and your clients enjoy it!

If you recall, Selma Hepp served as our Chief Economist and VP Business Intelligence from early 2016 until the end of 2019. Selma brought an exceptional intellect to our business and to your clients. She played a vital role in our strategic planning, our Real Estate Outlooks and in all our daily social media activity.

Selma has relocated to the Washington DC area and is now the Deputy Chief Economist at CoreLogics. We congratulate Selma on her new role.

Beginning Monday, April 27, I will dial my writings back to my morning post and the Monday and Thursday evening pending, closing and cancellation reports. As the curves start to flatten and we anticipate life with SIP relaxations, the cadence of communication will be plenty at one per day.

You can look forward to our pending, closing and cancellation report at 5PM today.

This is Where We Are Now.



Mark A McLaughlin

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