A happy ending and a new beginning


Congratulations to our clients, Gail and Dan, who are selling their beloved home on the Pheasant Branch Conservancy and downsizing into a smaller home on the west side. Gail and Dan received two tremendous offers for their home, one of which ended up being from their longtime friends. We know the new owners will love and cherish their home (and the conservancy setting) just as much as Gail and Dan have over the last 20 years. 

So much great work went into this sale.

Shelley Lazzareschi, Debbie Lea, and Grant Priehs implemented the staging plan and oversaw the cosmetic work, which included some excellent work by Hellenbrand Painting. Dan Miller oversaw the marketing plan and negotiations. And of course Gail and Dan did everything that was asked of them as they prepared their home for the market.

This is just the latest example of how planning, preparation, and teamwork are so impactful when we have the right group of experts working together to do their part. As Gail recently commented to us, she couldn't have imagined her sale going any better.

Thank you to all of you who contributed your time and talents to Gail and Dan's sale. It was a true team effort!