Shawbrook integrates e-signature technology | Mortgage Strategy


Shawbrook Bank is now using e-signature technology across a number of its product ranges.

Borrowers of bridging, buy-to-let and commercial investment loans will be able to sign and return their formal officer entirely online.

The lender says that this, combined with its new BTL platform means a formal mortgage offer can be provided in “a matter of days”.

It adds that it will be adding further digital enhancements to its processes throughout 2021.

Shawbrook director of strategy and digital transformation Claire Rankin says: “As our lives start to get busier again, being able to access and sign documents from anywhere and at any time makes applying for a mortgage a more straightforward process.

“As well as simplifying the customer journey, it will also make our broker’s lives easier. By freeing up time spent coordinating these small but time-consuming tasks, they can focus on supporting more clients. It’s a real win for everyone involved in the process.”

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