Accord scraps minimum income rule for landlords | Mortgage Strategy


Accord is removing its minimum income requirements for buy-to-let landlords tomorrow.

The lender says it will no longer require landlords to earn at least £25,000 in order to qualify for its buy-to-let mortgages.

It says the new criteria will help more landlords to qualify for its products.

In cases where landlords are using so-called “top-slicing”, whereby earnings from outside their property portfolio are used to top up any shortfall in the rental calculations, Accord will continue to specify a minimum income of £50,000 per year.

Accord says that it will look at applications from landlords who are also first-time buyers on a case by case basis.

While its criteria for first-time buyer landlords remains the same, it is encouraging brokers to speak to their business development manager in those cases, as it may be willing to lend in some circumstances.

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