Mortgage Strategy joins BBC project on equality efforts | Mortgage Strategy


Mortgage Strategy is excited to tell you about our partnership with the BBC’s 50:50 equality project, an initiative that encourages journalism and the media to represent all factions of society.

While for many years Mortgage Strategy has striven to be inclusive, the project has given us the extra push to highlight the many inspirational women in the industry.

Diversity isn’t just about gender of course; inclusivity means seeing past race, religion, sexual orientation, or however an individual chooses to identify.

This change doesn’t happen overnight so for now we are tackling gender disparity.

For the month of March, participants in the 50:50 project were asked to aim for 50 per cent female contributors.

To see how we performed in our first month of the project, June 2019, compared to now, you can watch the short video below:

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