The Right Mortgage hires OConnor as head of protection | Mortgage Strategy


The Right Mortgage and Protection Network has announced Vincent O’Connor as its new head of protection.

O’Connor has been in protection for over 25 years, most recently having worked at Royal London, where he spent just over three years.

As well as technical experience, O’Connor regularly performs public speaking duties and, while working at Intrinsic Financial Services, set up its Protection Academy programme.

O’Connor says: “I am delighted to be joining The Right Mortgage & Protection Network as Head of Protection where I want to bring fresh ideas, energy and focus to the subject of protection within the network.

“Arranging mortgages has been one of the clearest and most obvious reasons for advisers to start the conversation with clients about protection because whilst a mortgage helps to get the home, ‘protection’ means the client won’t lose it, should the worst happen.”

And The Right Mortgage and Protection Network chief executive Martin Wilson adds: “With protection such an important area within our industry, now more so than ever, we are delighted to welcome [Vincent] O’Connor on board to really champion protection amongst our membership and beyond.

“I know he will be a very valuable member of the team and to the network’s future and we look forward to working with him.”

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