Michael Craig gifted 10% of Brilliant Solutions | Mortgage Introducer


The gesture makes Craig the first new shareholder in the company since its foundation in 1996.

Aspects of the company’s business have grown 10 fold and much of this success has been attributed to the performance of key staff, the company’s strategy and its dedicated broker support, led by Craig, according to Brilliant Solutions.

Pasquale Arena, founder of Brilliant Solutions, said: “It is with great pride that we gift this equity to Michael who has worked tirelessly for the company, our staff and more importantly, for the brokers and their clients.

The gift element is important to us.  As a family business we wanted to reward Michael in a manner that sits outside any performance targets.  Michael has helped transform the business and I am honoured to be able to recognise it in such a public and material way.”

Matthew Arena, managing director of Brilliant Solutions, added: “Michael has been part of the Brilliant family for a while and it was time we recognised it.

“His results speak for themselves but the unseen elements are just as important.  This is the beginning of an exciting new chapter for both Michael and the company.”

Craig said: “Thanks to all of the brokers out there that have supported me over the years.  Thanks to the lenders too.  It won’t change anything on my side in terms of how I operate but it’s a fantastic achievement and one I am incredibly proud of.

“It comes on the back of incredible success for the company.  None of that would have been possible without the belief that the team in Brilliant have shown in me and the support I have had from the fantastic team at Brilliant over the many years.  I look forward to our years ahead together.”