Editor's note: Celebrations will do us all good | Mortgage Strategy


Welcome to this special edition of the magazine, marking the start of the two-week celebration of the Mortgage Strategy Awards. There may have been a few setbacks en route to the big day but we cannot wait to finally present this year’s winners with their much-deserved awards on 15 October.

You can find the shortlisted companies and individuals namechecked and, while sadly we can’t be together to celebrate their achievements in person, we aim to entertain you from the comfort of your own home with our fantastic host, Sally Phillips, from 5pm.

In the meantime, this month’s publication is full of insightful content on the status of the market. Our cover feature delves into the issues flat-owners are experiencing in selling up and remortgaging amid the fallout of the tragic Grenfell fire in 2017. The equity release market is proving robust considering the climate, as examined in our second feature, while we also look at the benefits to brokers of diversifying in our special report.

The mortgage industry is notoriously social so the debate in Head2Head on whether face-to-face meetings are still necessary should be of interest, while Andrew Montlake perfectly sums up the current mood in the sector, as always, in Market Watch.

The year is flying by; it’s hard to believe we’re in October already, having endured seven months of living in a way we never could have fathomed. It’s tempting to just wish the year away, and it can be tough to stay upbeat with all the challenges we’re facing. But let’s draw positives from 2020 where we can find them.

The Mortgage Strategy Awards, while not in their usual form, are a great opportunity to let our hair down with industry colleagues whom we all greatly miss, and cheers to this fantastic industry that, once again, has just got on with things when facing adversity. Hope to ‘see’ you there on the 15th.

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