Rates edge up on a number of Nationwide deals | Mortgage Strategy


Nationwide Building Society is increasing rates on a number of fixed rate dales by up to 7 basis points.

However, the lender’s lowest two-year fixed rate remains just below 1%.

The reprice includes the following changes for home buyers:

  • Two-year fixed rate at 60% LTV increased by 5 bps to 0.99% with a £1,499 fee.
  • Three-year fixed rate at 60% LTV increased by 5 bps to 1.04% with a £999 fee.
  • Five-year fixed rate at 75% LTV increased by 5 bps to 1.19% with a £1,499 fee.

For the Society’s existing members moving home rates on selected mortgages between 60% and 75% LTV will increase by 5 bps, while rates at these LTVs for those looking to switch to a new product or borrow more through a further advance will increase by up to 7 bps.

Nationwide director of mortgages Henry Jordan says: “We regularly review the rates we offer across our mortgage range. 

“As swap rates continue to rise we have seen fixed rates start to trend back upwards and these new rates follow similar changes made across the mortgage market over recent weeks.”

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