Exclusive: Coreco launches network for ambitious brokers | Mortgage Strategy


Mortgage broker firm Coreco has launched a network for fellow brokers looking to establish and grow their own businesses.

Coreco Network will assist experienced brokers in winning more introducers and provide marketing advice and PR support.

Members will also have access to Coreco’s client retention and commercial finance teams and protection specialists.

Brokers who sign up will also become members of Mortgage Advice Bureau and Legal and General Mortgage Club and gain access to their technology, compliance support, products, and new lenders but can use the well-known Coreco name in their branding.

A retirement scheme is also available that enables members to service their client bank and pays a commission to ensure there is still additional income coming in.

Coreco managing director Andrew Montlake says brokers looking to join should be experienced and have a good business plan. They should be mainly self-sourced and/or confident in their ability to acquire lead sources and want to build their own team. He says help is available with each of these requirements.

“This is something we have been working on for a long time now, and whilst we could have launched this a year ago, we wanted to ensure that when we did, the timing was absolutely right,” says Montlake.

“Given the change in people’s mindset and working patterns during the last few months, we believe we will see many more brokers, or teams of brokers, looking to do their own thing in the near future.

“We also know how hard it can be to set up a business from scratch and we wanted to do what we could to assist people with a recognised brand and support available every step of the way.

“The concept itself is nothing new and there are already some great options out there for brokers, but we strongly believe that our offering will appeal to many who want to be part of something that little bit different; part of a real Coreco family.

“We see Coreco as a national brand now, and as such this is a great way to spread our ethos and attract others to share our DNA and client centric approach, even if it is just being part of a hub where knowledge between like-minded people is shared.

“As a company that also prides itself on its approach to equality and diversity, our arms are open to everyone who truly believes in hard work, with a passion for customer service and believes in the ethos of the Coreco brand”.

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