CLS Money partners with More:Trees and Nivo - Mortgage Introducer


The new partnership will see a tree planted on behalf of clients for every mortgage completed in an effort to reduce CO2 emissions.

More:Trees works with tree planting partners across the world to restore healthy forests. The platform enables businesses to plant trees automatically by integrating with their software.

It means that a tree can be planted automatically at the click of a button, whilst immediately notifying clients via the CLS Money App, powered by Nivo.

Clayton Shipton, founder and managing director of CLS Money, said: “Climate change is our greatest threat, and it’s important for companies to be as green and eco-friendly as possible.

“One tree can make a huge difference, so every time we help a client with a purchase or re-mortgage on a property, we want to do our bit and plant a tree. The more trees we plant, the more we can help.

“It’s great to be able to give back to the environment and support communities, and it’s our responsibility as a business to reduce our carbon footprint and minimise emissions.

“Working with Nivo & More:Trees allows us to do just this, and ties in seamlessly with our vision of being at the forefront of using new technology and innovation.”

David Smith, chief revenue officer at Nivo, added: “As a sector we can and must do more to improve our carbon footprint. Nivo removes all paper, including documents that require signing, and puts communication right in your customer’s pocket.

“It’s great that Clayton and his team are also now using messaging to make a difference to the environment. Apps and Trees, would have thought that.”