Halt evictions and offer rent relief: Generation Rent - Mortgage Strategy


Generation Rent has called on the government to extend help to tenants and put a stop on evictions in light of the coronavirus crisis.

The campaign group is warning ministers that renters who are self-isolating or have lost their jobs as a result of covid-19 need extra protection.

It is calling for a temporary halt on all Section 21 “no-fault” evictions and Section 8 evictions for rent arrears.

It also urges ministers to end the five-week wait for housing benefits through Universal Credit as well as ensuring that payments cover the full cost of rent.

The campaigners also want the government to enforce a freeze on rent increases for a year to prevent landlords from hiking housing costs for tenants to unaffordable levels.

Generation Rent says tenants are particularly vulnerable to the financial impact of the virus since 63 per cent of renters have no savings and they typically spend 40 per cent of income on accommodation costs.

They are also at greater risk of infection as at least two million tenants share houses in multiple occupation.

There are also more than a million self-employed workers who rent and an estimated 400,000 private tenants who do not earn enough to qualify for statutory sick pay.

Renters who lose income can claim Universal Credit, which includes housing benefit, but the five-week wait leaves them vulnerable to rent arrears and eviction.

Tenants are being advised to contact their landlord for a rent holiday, but there is no obligation for landlords to offer one at present.

Some cities in Spain and the US have halted evictions during the pandemic and the French government is offering funds so that tenants can postpone rent payments.

Generation Rent policy manager Caitlin Wilkinson says: “One in five of us rents privately, and the silence so far from government about the months ahead is unacceptable. 

“Without further protection, millions of renters will be unable to pay their rent and will be reliant on the goodwill of their landlord. 

“We know that many landlords will take action to evict tenants, leaving them homeless in the midst of a pandemic. 

“Renters should not have to choose between staying healthy and keeping a roof over their head. 

“The government must step in with rent relief and protection from eviction to ensure that everyone has access to a safe and secure home.”

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