finova Payment and Mortgage Services partners with Manor Mortgages | Mortgage Strategy


finova Payment and Mortgage Services has partnered with Manor Mortgages to expand the lending options available to its directly authorised broker network.

The partnership will help finova’s brokers to place and process complex cases and will provide them access to Manor Mortgages’ three core tiers of service. These include:

Tier One: Refer a client – in busy periods, brokers can transfer cases to Manor Mortgages who will liaise with the customer directly, offering research, placement, and advice.

Tier Two: Research, placement, and processing – if a broker is struggling to find a lender and product for a customer with difficult circumstances, they can subcontract the case to Manor Mortgages to manage.

Tier Three: Outsourced processing – if a case meets the criteria of the chosen lender, for no additional customer costs and the same procuration fee as going direct, brokers can outsource processing to Manor Mortgages.

Manor Mortgages is an approved packager for specialist lenders including Precise Mortgages, Pepper Money, Family Building Society, and Fleet Mortgages. 

finova head of Payment and Mortgage Services Melanie Spencer says: “Partnering with Manor Mortgages provides our brokers with the additional support they need, whether it be for a particularly tricky case or if they are simply short on time and in need of an extra pair of hands.”

Manor Mortgages managing director Dave Stephenson adds: “We’re excited to launch this partnership with finova Payment and Mortgage Services to help its large network of directly authorised brokers place niche cases with the right lender.”

“In the current climate, having the support of an experienced packager, like ourselves, will be invaluable to brokers who need to place complex cases away from the high street.”

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