Santander ups rates on new business and product transfer range by up to 0.80% | Mortgage Strategy


Santander for Intermediaries has announced that new business and product transfer range fixed rates will increase by up to 0.80% on 21 September.

The lender will also reintroduce 60% and 85% loan to value (LTV) new business fixed rates on the same date. 

One of the biggest rate increases across its residential range sees the 90% LTV two-year fixed rate remortgage only with no product fee increase by 0.80% to 4.89%. 

Meanwhile, the 90% and 95% LTV two-year fixed rate purchase only with no product fee have increased by 0.70% to 4.74% and 4.79% respectively. 

The 75% two-year fixed rate help-to-buy (HTB) product with no fee has also gone up by 0.70% to 4.69% while the 85% LTV two-and-a-half-year fixed rate new build product with no fee will rise by 0.70% to 4.69%.

Under its purchase and remortgage products, the lender has added a 75% and 85% LTV two-year fixed rate product. The 75% LTV comes with no fee and with a rate of 4.64% while the 85% LTV has a fee of £999 with a rate of 4.44%.

The biggest change for its large loan purchase and remortgage products will see the 70% and 75% LTV two-year fixed rate products with a £2,499 fee both increase by 0.55% to 4.44% and 4.49% respectively.

Elsewhere, in the lender’s buy-to-let (BTL) range, the 75% LTV two-year fixed rate purchase and remortgage with a £1,499 product fee has gone up by 0.55% to 4.39%. 

For remortgage only, the 75% LTV two-year fixed rate with no fee has risen to 4.69% after going up by 0.55%. 

Across the lender’s product transfers range, all residential fixes have increased between 0.50% and 0.80% while all BTL and consent-to-let fixes will see rate rises between 0.50% and 0.75%. 

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