One 2 One: Roger Newman, chief executive, Target Group | Mortgage Strategy


What are some of the main ambitions you have for Target Group in your new role as chief executive?

My aim is straightforward: I want to put customer satisfaction at the centre of all our thinking to achieve our commercial aims of doubling our revenue and profits within three years.

How has this year shaped the company’s operations and plans for the future?

We’ve embarked on a major operational and technological transformation. We’re already three months in to a 12-month programme. Delivering on this programme will determine how successful we are in the future.

This year been tough for everyone, and the world has changed in many ways. Target Group has shown its resilience, particularly in relation to Covid. We’ve been working hard with our clients to make sure that customers in financial difficulties are treated fairly and get the help they need as we respond to the pandemic.

How will you draw on past career experience to achieve your ambitions in this role?

Target has enormous potential. We also have the advantage of being backed by a global heavyweight in Tech Mahindra.

As I’ve worked with Tech Mahindra in a number of senior roles for many years, I plan to draw on that experience to leverage the strength and capability of our parent company to help achieve our ambitions.

In the past, I’ve driven a number of large technology transformation programmes. I know that technology is only part of the solution; people and organisational change are also critical and this experience will be vital during the transformation we are embarking on at Target.

What do you believe is the most important element of a technology firm in the finance industry, and why?

Working in the financial services industry I think you need to be both innovative and flexible. It is an industry with specific responsibilities and it benefits from strong regulatory oversight.

Technology firms operating in the sector need specialist knowledge and the ability to respond rapidly to overcome challenges, capture opportunities and close down threats.

What is the best part of your job?

I like working with talented people. I am pleased to say that the staff and customers at Target and Tech Mahindra give me plenty of opportunity to do that.

If you had not chosen this career path, what other professions appeal to you?

I would fancy myself as a top lawyer, but doubt if I have the right skillset to achieve that.

If you were chancellor for a day, what would you prioritise?

After Covid and Brexit our economy has taken a real beating. My view is that the chancellor needs to prioritise business and entrepreneurship to help get us back on track.

Do you have any secret talents?

Brewing home-made cider, although I think some people may dispute the quality of my end product.

Who is your all-time hero, and why?

I have more than one. King Alfred the Great provided the foundation for modern Britain, and came from Hampshire, where I was born and brought up.

In more modern times, boxer Muhammad Ali is also right up there, for his courage and grit.


Year established: 1979

Headcount: 1,000+

Address: Target Group, Target House, Cowbridge Road, East Cardiff CF11 9AU

Tel: 0845 650 6200

Target Group is a leading provider of business process servicing and operational transformation. Its fintech platforms manage assets in excess of £25bn, servicing more than 19 million accounts and processing over £3bn of direct-debit payments each year. It works with more than 50 private- and public-sector clients, such as Barclays, DVLA, Santander and RBS.

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