Dashly declare love for mortgage advisers with ad campaign | Mortgage Introducer


The romantic campaign, titled We ️ Advisers, follows a direct-to-consumer ITV advert which aired in May and June and reached 3.25 million viewers in total within the Anglia region.

Ross Boyd, CEO of Dashly, said: “Advisers – or brokers – do so much more than broking a mortgage.

“We recognise the critical role mortgage advisers play in ensuring the best customer outcomes for the duration of their mortgage, rather than just when they’re looking to switch deals.”

We ️ Advisers will run throughout 2021, and adverts will appear in print and online trade publications, as well as a newsletter which will be distributed to the over 1,500 member firms of Paradigm Mortgage Services, meaning around 1,900 engaged advisers will “feel the love”.

The campaign kicks off with a poem dedicated to advisers, and explains in a romantic fashion how adviser, Dashly, and mortgage holder can work together in perfect harmony.

Dashly’s ode to advisers depicts a romantic ‘love triangle that works’ between all parties, which it is hoped will encourage more firms to partner with Dashly in the coming weeks and months as it onboards more and more dashboards.

Brano Ruscak, marketing and brand experience Director at Dashly, added: “We created our product to enhance the great work advisers already do so they can do more of what they do best – advising, safe in the knowledge that Dashly works hard in the background to monitor the market for their clients, 24/7.

“We know that mortgage brokers may feel threatened by us which is exactly why we created this campaign. To prove, for once and for all, that we’re not here to replace them but empower them.

“As we scale up, we want to take advisers with us because we want the mortgage market to work for everybody in it.”