Propp marks International Women's Day with triple appointment | Mortgage Introducer


The specialist finance price comparison website has added Abbie Dickson-Davies, Erin Hine and Jordan Moore.

Dickson-Davies has joined as marketing manager and is responsible for growing the Propp brand, as well as delivering a transparent and simple user experience.

Hine most recently worked at John Charcol and joins as specialist property finance consultant.

In addition, Moore has been brought on board as a consultant, specifically working with buy-to-let investors.

Paul Elliott, managing director of Propp, said: “To be in a position to invest in growing our team during these uncertain times is testament to the hard work of the people who have helped us build Propp during these initial four months.

“In Abbie, Erin and Jordan we have three fantastic additions to the team who will be instrumental in both putting Propp in front of more investors and, most importantly providing them with the highest quality advice and service. It’s an exciting time.”